My CRT finally packed up over the summer and as CRTs are pretty much dead I had little choice but to go with a flat panel. The TV had been playing up for a while so I knew it was coming and I'd been saving up for some time.
I was using my old portable TV so I was able to waste lots of time looking around. I went to Comet, Currys etc and played with their tellies. Not the ideal places to look at TVs because of the lighting and noise and they never have the TVs your interested in side by side.
In the end I opted for the Pioneer 4270XD plasma TV which is over your budget. I'm quite happy with it, DVDs look fab. What's odd is that new TV programmes look fine but old stuff looks grainy. Don't know why. Blacks are more grey but that's a problem with all Plasmas and LCDs.
I hate to switch it on because it so power hungry. My old portable used, according to the label, 60 watts. My new one uses 290 watts. Eeek.