Ihave a very small bedroom with damp all up one corner. The wallpaper is stained. As i am going to redecorate shortly is there anything I can put on the walls to prevent this a little or any advise please?
Have you checked what the cause of damp is? When me and my husband brought out house there was a damp problem in the sitting room luckily my husband is a builder and the problem was that when the previous owners landscaped the garden they piled the soil above the damp proof course. My husband simply removed the soil until he was below the DPC, problem solved. Sometimes it's cheaper and easier than you think.
Thankyou for your comments, when I first bought the house I had it damp proofed, however it does not seam to have cured the problem, the wall is very cold. Have you any advise on how to check the cause. I also have a little patch on the same wall downstairs.
So if the problem is in an upstairs room I would have thought (and i know i`ll be corrected if i`m wrong) that the problem may lye in a leaky roof or gutters. Just a suggestion
it might be the guttering is blocked therefore the water is overflowing on to the wall and causing this damp,clean the gutters out and see what happens.