hello have under active thyroid and taking levothyroxine,had some blood tests done as neck swelled up and thyroid on right hand side, the doctor found a lump which she said could be because i was on the boarder line called doctors to day all tests came back as normally,still seeing doctor on friday,is this good news or could this mean the lump is some thing else,why does my neck swell up if i am on the right dose,any ideas,wendy
Hi. I was diagnosed over a year ago and I'm on the same medication. I started on 25mg and was checked every three months. I progressed to 50mg and now I am on 75mg and I feel much healthier and less tired.
I did not get any side effects so I cannot answer your question but I can let you know that the treatment does work.
I was also diagnosed a couple of months ago and was on 25mg,now 50.I don't feel any better at all to be honest and am going to see the doctor again soon.
No idea what the lump can be but it doesnt sound anything to be alarmed about.x