You are perfectly safe with TR1 and AP1, and you do not in any way need a solicitor or conveyancer. As I type this I cannot bring to mind the number of the form that you require from the Revenue, but phone 0845 6030135 and speak to Option 3 who will tell you which one it is, then speak to Option 1 with the form number and they will send it to you. You should obtain a receipt from the Vendor by printing off a copy of The Plan and then typing on it "Received from (yourself) the sum of �whatever in cash/by cheque being the purchase price for the sale to him of the freehold land coloured red on the plan below all as the Land Registry Form TR 1 signed by me" and provide a space for the Vendor to sign and date. If the Vendor is a Ltd company alter "signed" to "signed and sealed" and have the company seal impressed on the plan.