It was something like the Soot Family House or Chimneypot family. We bought one for our son. The house was red,chimneypot shaped and they had a little blue car right? I'll scour the net.
All I can find are small images. Go to Google images and type 'Mr Chimney Pot' and you'll see ebay images but when you go to the pages the items must have been sold, as they have gone.
Thanks Dagman i can't find the item you mentioned finding on the web but I got curious aabout this toy as the other houses like the Big Yellow bus and the TeaPot House are well known Bluebird Playhouses. Yes there is a little car inside also a blackbird and a black cat. I will continue to investigate as I have an inquisitive nature and must find out!
Is it the toy you see on the google images search? I couldn't remember it having a face on the outside until I saw it again. When our son was little he banged his lip on the bathroom sink when cleaning his teeth, blood everywhere etc, and yours truly went out to morrisons in the rain to get him something for it, when coming out, spotted the chimney and got one, poor fella.
Having only recently acquired a new Google search page I had not used the image search facility until you alerted me to it. Thanks it is so good I shall use that a lot. Yes the images on there are correct the house had a face with two big eyes that flip open, also a TV aerial on top. What a kind Dad you were , I hope son appreciated it and will look after you in your old age!