Hi Chrisadaj.
What you need to do about your immediate situation is to think of two possible outcomes, Number one, she likes you and wants to persue a solid relationship with you . Good! Number two, she isn't so into you (through no fault of your own - just the way it is) and does not want to continue the relationship. These are your possible endings ...and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. It is what it is.
Delete your read texts and delete your outbox. Delete your read e mail and your sent items. Decide to stop wasting your precious time and emotions on things that you have no ultimate control over.Everytime your mind starts to wander, start thinking about something else.(choose a subject beforehand) You are sabotaging yourself ...
Maybe this girl is special and you have strong feelings that are new for you. Try to enjoy the "first few months" feelings - they pass and they even out. In months to come, you'll feel calmer and more secure. Good luck.