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program v

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skudds | 20:57 Tue 03rd Aug 2004 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
when did this start on uk tv


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If you mean the programme where the aliens ate hamsters, etc it must have been about 85.
if i remember rightly there was the original min-series possibly earlier than '85 which was later followed by a full series. never really got the ending of 'v' - the aliens left hurrah!!! but they had hundreds of thousands of humans in storage !!!! bit of a hollow victory really !
Whilst there were 2 mini-series in the US (the first ended with the Resistance setting up the transmitter to call for extra-terrestrial help), I'm pretty sure that both were shown over the course of a week in the UK. I'm going for 1984, as it was shown on ITV as an alternative to the olympics, and it cleaned up. The 2 minis were followed by a weekly series (generally poor) and there was a sequel due this year, but I think it's fallen through.
I'd agree with LeMarchand. Although the Mini-Series was broadcast in the US in 1983 and 1984 in two stages I do believe it was broadcast over one week during the 1984 Olympics.

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