My council tax has now risen to almost twice what it was five years ago. Does anybody know how high the govrnment is expected to push the average charge up in the next few years? The cost of cars, TVs and clothes have all gone down in that time why does Council tax keep on march higher.
This is not just a moan but rather do I need to think about moving down because of the costs as I get older?
Thanks for any thoughts in advance.
A recent article on Radio 4 illustrated why Council tax has risen so much over the last few years. Most councile receive less that a quarter of their income from Council Tax, the majority of the remainder coming from a central gev grant. Each year they are told what they must spend money on and their grant is made smaller and smaller despite bigger spending demands. Increasing the council tax bill is the easy option to make up the difference. Not fair perhaps but we receive many "free" local services which are paid for in other countries. There are a reported million people in this country who are paying too much council tax because they are not made aware of allowances and discounts available to them.
That is an alleged explanation as to why it has inceased so much - it is not for me to decide whether that is fair or not. Personally I think we do pay a fair old chunk in tax but we do get a fair amount in return - don't get me started on inheritance tax though.
There is no such thing as "fair" when it comes to taxation - it's a matter of political judgement, choice, campaigning, etc. i.e. if you think it's too high, vote for a different party
It's only going to increase, isn't it. A lot of it goes on those who claim housing benefit and council tax benefit (in my area the bill's about �800k per month). So if their numbers increase the rest of us will be forking out for them. Not that I'm bitter or anything.
Many thanks to all who replied.
My fear is that by expanding the remit for schools and social services but not funding them the government could double the charge in only another five years!
What is to stop them treating people with capital in their houses as nothing more than suckers to be milked try?