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times art quiz

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bobbinmill | 18:12 Wed 10th Jan 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
Question D I am trying to find out the subjects relationship to the artist and to what unusual purpose the artist is said to have put the painting... rembrandt's girl at the window at the dulwich picture gallery. thanks for any help


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I have 3 books on Rembrandt but none features this particular painting.

It was painted in 1645, 3 years after his wife Saskia died and a couple of years before he hooked up with Hendrijke Ulyenburch. In between he was involved with his son's nanny Geertje Dircx. He used them all as models.

This painting does look a bit like Geertje to me (from another painting), but apparently the gallery think it was an unknown servant..
I'd be interested to know the answer.
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thanks for your help with this question. I think the answer may be found in the thames and hudson book Rembrandts universe by gary Schwartz but I dont have access to the book .. does anyone else?

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