Apart from moving..does anybody know how I can keep foxes from jumping all over my car..last night I had two on the roof and one on the bonnett playing tag...i do not want to harm them but they are scratching the paintwork and damaging my car...I do not want to use a spray in case I cause more damage so whatever is suggested must not do any harm to
the paintwork of my car.......HELP
Ultra sensitive car alarm! But this will also wake you and most of your street and p!ss ur neighbours off! How about building a garage extension on your house? Or parking somewhere else? Covering the car in glue - that'll learn em!!
You could try getting cat/dog repellent crystals rather than spray, such as 'Get Off' (available in garden and DIY shops). Apparently it keeps foxes out too, but instead of a spray, you scatter the crystals, so try scattering them in a circle around your car. Worth a try. Alternatively, get a car alarm that sounds like hounds and hunting horns :-)
tartanwzard pipped me to the post! I was also going to suggest 'Get Off' spray, available from most pet shops. As mentioned in a previous posting, we used to have real problems with dog owners allowing their dogs to poo & wee on & around our brick piers, gates and drive. Since we started spraying around the area with the 'Get Off' spray, we have had no problems at all. It is amazing stuff - so good luck. P.S. I adore foxes & their little cubs.
I used to have the same problem with the little perishers jumping all over my wheely bins & waking everyone up. Could you put a tarpaulin over your car, mine didn't seem to like the feel of it under their feet | & they moved to the neighbours bins!
Having set the question..Ive just found a possible answer..Ive bought a passive Infra red detection thingy which emits a burst of ultrasound if an animal walks/runs past it and Foxes/cats /dogs do not like that
The cost was �25...quite expensive but cheaper than a respray...The company boasts that it can take 14-28 days of continual use to get rid of regular visitors...or about 7 days if its just a occassional visit from a neighbouring dog-cat...At night you can occasionally hear the unit omitting a noise so its obviously targeting animals moving around
in the dark..If it works its worth every penny