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Removing rogue website

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Octavius | 09:32 Tue 16th Jan 2007 | Technology
5 Answers
My nieces laptop has a bug which I am struggling to fix, so I am hoping some of you clever bonces can point me in the right direction.

Basically the laptop has Windows Firewall & Norton AV and they are always 'on'. But when she connects to her homepage on the internet, after a small delay, the page refreshes and a new page appears that is not requested or searched for. This site is a page ( which identifies a virus and tells you to download something, which then diverts to the website of an antivirus software company in Greece (Malware I have tried running norton virus scans and using the 'style sheet' option in Internet Options, I have even terminated her internet connection and set up a new one. Still, when she goes on the internet, the above page appears, and no matter whether you select the 'Home' (Google etc) or you type a new address in the menu bar, it reverts to the security site and therefore makes the internet unusable. It is becoming infuriating, not least because I don't really trust any of these antivirus sites, but mainly because my niece is starting to think that Uncle Octavius isn't all that brilliant.

Any help appreciated, I will be back to it again tonight so I won't be able to give feedback until tomorrow, or the next day.


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In the first instance download and run Spybot - it is free.
This is a well-known problem website. Have a look here. (I haven't tried this one for myself).

An alternative is 'SmitFraudFix' that I have tried and would recommend. It's a bit more of a hassle to use, but it works. Have a look at it here.
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Perhaps your browser has been Hijacked.Download and run a program called Hijackthis.Its been a few years since I needed it, but it worked a treat.
Question Author
Thanks all, Spybot hit the spot (first one on the list).

I was wary of all these sites claiming magical cures as this is what appeared to cause the problem in the first place. Cheers.


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Removing rogue website

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