All the planets revolve around the Sun at varying rates, therefore the distance between Earth and other planets varies considerably depending on orbital shape, plane, current orbital position, and gravitational influence between planets among other factors. The current relative positions of planets, the Moon and the Sun must be constantly updated with the velocity of light taken into consideration due to propagation delay.
Using the Size of the Earth as a referance,
The Sun is on average ~ 11 727 Earth diameters away.
The Sun is currently ~ 11 547 Earth diameters away.
Average distance from Sun and
Current distance from Earth for
Mercury is 4 540 ~ 15 671
Venus is 8 483 ~ 18 335
Mars is 17 869 ~ 26 913
Jupiter is 61 022 ~ 69 970
Saturn is 111 845 ~ 96 971
Uranus is 225 063 ~ 244 127
Neptune is 352 630 ~ 364 199
Pluto is 463 016 ~ 381 035
The Moon is about 33 Earth diameters from Earth.
This table gives the (AU) comparative average distance of planets from the Sun relative to the Earth�s average distance from the Sun.
Look here for the distance from Earth to a planet on a given date.