Does anyone know why Sky at the moment can only offer me their �17/month Connect package even though i am within one of their broadband areas.
The connect package is supposed to be a stop gap until the broadband service would be available to me then they would stop the �17 one and transfer me over automatically. Sky claim it is because BT will only release a limited amount of Broadband connection. Yet this Connect package is effectively Broadband up to 8Mb. Are Sky telling me porkies so they can copllect in �17/month for as long as possible?
Anyone who has investigated their packages will know what I am on about.
I believe that what Sky are saying is that at present, your local exchange has not yet been unbundled. Your service currently will be ADSL MAX and you will be transferred to the LLU (Local loop unbundled) service, when BT are ready to let Sky put their equipment in the exchange. Obviously, the LLU service is less costly for Sky to provide.
Don't go to sky. i changed over to them 2 months ago, still not got password so cant get emails. stay with your ip for now untill sky get there act together.
A mate of mine has it but they were able to offer him their own cheaper package right away. He is totally happy with them and everything is running well.