However, they are very rare and you would have a checkup, at first, after 3 months then every 6 months where they will check loads of stuff to make sure you're ok. Can I ask what you're considering taking it for? If it's for contraceptive purposes then I can understand why your mum may try to put you off it, at the moment your still under the age of consent and even if you weren't your mum would hate to think that you (who she probably still sees as a little girl) are having sex!
it is true about blood clots, but it is VERY rare. i think your mum is probably trying to put you off as she doesnt want you to have sex yet.
HOWEVER, if it is a possibility you willl be having sex in the near future my advice is go on the pill, or go to your doctors or local family planning clinic and talk it over with them as they can tell u all the risks involved with differnt types of contraceptives. dont be embaraessed either, as this is their job and they are their to help u.
The pill does have risk factors, but the doctor will ask about family history, whether or not you smoke and take your blood pressure and weight. If they are happy with the information then they will start you on the pill. There are other options available such as injections and implants. You can go to any family planning clinic to discuss these things if you dont feel happy to go to your GP.
Use a condom, then u r less likely to catch anything. ie crabs or HIV which would be horrendous. Any decent boyfriend would oblige, and I get mine for free from docs, just see the nurse and they will give u loads! One elderly doc once got me a big box from his shelf and showed me all the different ones, hysterical seeing as he was over 60! he gave a little bag with lots of condoms, dont be embarrassed, it will save your life xx
it depends what your medical history and family's medical history is like and whether you want to have sex or not. If you want to go on the pill for non-contreceptive reasons, it's good but there are side-effects such as weight gain/loss, depression in some cases and all sorts of other stuff... but i went on it and found it a really good way to sort out stuff. i've been on it for contreception as well - if you do this its good to use a condom as well unless you TRUST your boyfriend, like, 200%!!! (PS you can still catch crabs with a condom - they jump from pubic hair, which is exterior) lol gd luck i doubt you'll get a blood clot and die...:)