The woodpigeons in my garden can't fly because they have big bellies, caused by over indulging in all the bird food I put out. They are also so fat, they sometimes fall out the trees (yes - this is really true!)
Hi Anniekon, after the conversations yesterday, with you & a couple of the others, I had a much better nights sleep & that was even after forgetting to take my Temazepam! I'm glad you've had a nice sleep this afternoon, it makes you feel so refreshed.
Smudge, I hope you don't mind me interrupting but that is such good news that your sleep was much improved - and without the drug. Hopefully now you may be able to go another night....and then another...I do hope so.
Ah, thank you Cetti, I did sleep better again last night. I think that had more to do with knowing I'm not alone & all the kind words from you all. It really helps. Bless you.
i think it is the do do obird even thou they are instincktied but i think they could never fly because f the weight of there stomach and there small wings