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But jedimistress it's other people's stuff. That's the point I was making. And they're making a huge mess an even bigger mess. The stuff left over from the car boot sale has been offered for sale by its previous owner, if it's left over at the end and the seller isn't interested in taking it back, then fair do's. But it seems to me that people are seeing this stuff washed up, with no visible owner, and that makes it okay to just help yourself. And that because some of it will simply be claimed on insurance by large companies, who cares. But some of it is stuff people have ordered, and some of it is personal possessions being shipped. And taking that is harmless is it? It's very convenient to ringfence this as a crime-free situation and claim it's not the same as other forms of theft, but it is.
I detest the shoulder-shrugging attitude being shown by you and other people, and it's crude & crass to suggest that anyone who says anything against it is doing so out of envy. Do you really not think people's stomachs can be genuinely turned by this?