Erm to ask is there a secret?? I dont watch it that often but from what I can work out theres no secret that she is the kids mum and that she left when the other brother died. So I'm asking what secret you're on about
Yeah there is. I'm afraid I don't know what it is though gina, I'm curious about it aswell. Maybe they're not really his kids or something. What do you reckon?
Actually I suppose they must be his kids cos they had 3 of them together. Maybe he had an affair or used to beat her or something.
4get, we don't know what the secret is but we know there is on because shirley threatened Kevin into letting her spend time with the kids by saying she'd tell them the truth about there dad, and now kevin is concerned about it.
gina, 4getmenot didnt ask what the secret was, just if there was one.
Maybe the secret is that one or more of the kids arent his biologically, im guessing thats the most likely outcome!! however,i have to say, it is nice to have not had the tabloids spoil the storyline for us, makes a welcome change.
The 'secret' is out next week. When the kids find out, Deano tries to burn down the car lot and Kevin leaves according to the papers today. Apparently, Pat Butcher gets the truth out of Shirl tomorrow night.