My worst experience was when my youngest son was about 18 month old, we had been away for a few days and as i was travelling home by train I was struggling home with plenty of luggage a double pushchair and 3 young children , My babysitter had been with us too
getting off the train I took my eyes off J for a second believing him to be safely behind me, the next thing I know is I saw him sat on the tracks under the train, (to this day i don't know how hw got past me or down there) I reached down to him but couldn't reach. I shoved the pushchair with my 6 month old in over to the babysitter in and laid flat on the platform to reach him, another lady laid down next to me, by which time J had stood up and reached up to me, the lady and myself grabbed an arm each and literally yanked him out, It literaaly must have been the longest 30 seconds in my life. The railway insisted I took him to the hospital to get him checked out, when we got there they ended up treating me for shock wwhile j got away with a mild bump to the head.