Which is the best way to conserve fuel when approaching a junction: to declutch & freewheel, braking at the last moment or take one's foot off the accelerator & let the gearing slow the car down?
Do not freewheel by using the method you have said.
Just release the accelarator and let the engine compression slow you down, modern cars shut off the fuel flow to the engine if the accelarator is released so non is wasted..
modern fuel injected cars as toureman said don't use any fuel when your foot is off the throttle and are 'coasting in gear'.
older cars use a very little.
if you want to save fuel, drive as gently as poss and never speed.
also try to judge approach to traffic lights / roundabouts / junctions / queues and let the throttle off earlier than normally would be done. this also saves on brake wear. ( pi**es everybody off behind you! )
Many thanks to you all.
I had this discussion with my Grandson. I, being of the "Old School," felt that it was best to freewheel to a stop.
It seems he was right!!!