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cryptic 2365`

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twiglet3 | 12:07 Wed 31st Jan 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
2d- whisks away for drinks
?p?r?t? - is this spirits?

4d- a threat to people above one

6d- room thug wrecked in the onslaught

5a- story about an animal, a dog

11a- shortens to 'send assorted ice-creams round'
???d???e? - is this condenses?

18d- a number having protective mesh, which is irritating



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18d nett(L)ing
11a Agree 'condenses' . . . . CON(dens)ES
Question Author
thankyou x
6d Salon . . . . anag ONSLA (-thug)
2d Agree 'Spirits' . . . . two meanings
4d Men + ace
5a LassIE

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cryptic 2365`

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