My little boy said I was the best mummy in the world. Mind you, he did follow this up 5 mins later with a pleading look for the latest Pokemon magazine - coincidence?? hmmmmm.....
Yes... my wife said she was going to leave chocolates and marshmellows scattered around the room tonight as well as candles, soft music and a romantic meal
How about me doing something nice for someone else?
I got up this morning at 5 to feed the baby, so my husband could sleep, even though I should have made him get up after having been gone for four weeks.
I helped my neighbour change her tyre that was flat this morning.
She called me a 'Knight in shining armour' :).
Was tempted to return the compliment with 'Your boyfriend's a lazy waster who would never do this for you' but I'm too much of a Gentleman. hehe.
hope everyone on AB has had atleast one nice experience today. There aren't enough of them in the world so enjoy them when they come. :)