Is it safe for my pet rats to play in the garden (on a nice day) in one of those rabbit/guinea pig runs? I thought it might be nice for them to get some fresh hair etc, but wondered if there were any potential reasons why not, from more experienced rat owners? I wouldnt leave them alone, so no cats or dogs could get to them.
They burrow very well, so I'd say only in a run with wire underneath as well. They are very good at getting through small holes... Don't rely on wood or plastic, only metal, and good small mesh.
Also bear in mind that there will be wild rats about, perhaps with ratty diseases and nasty big teeth.
(Presume you didn't really mean fresh hair...?)
good idea! they are so intelligent that I bet they will love it. Make sure there are loads of things in the run for a bowl of water to paddle in, tubes & boxes to play in & watch that they don't eat too much grass.