It's all getting too much. We have seen a muslim policeman who refused to guard the Israli embassy, the muslim police woman who refused to shake her chief's hand, a school teacher who insisted on wearing a veil, and uniforms adapted to fit in with the wearers religion, laws overlooked to fit in with religion, (as in the wearing of crash helmets and the carrying of an offensive weapon) and I expect many more such incidents that we will never get to know about. Might we sometime expect to hear of a muslim firefighter refusing to enter a burning pork butchers shop?
It is too late now but what we should have said from the offset is, if you wish to join a particular service, then one must wear the particular uniform for that service, after all that is what uniform means. And if you wish to ride a motor cycle then you must wear a crash helmet, the choice is yours. How else can you get true integration, if special exceptions are made for certain sections of the community?