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help needed asap look at my quetsion pls!!!

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tweenyb | 12:58 Fri 02nd Feb 2007 | Travel
6 Answers
i need 2 find a way o goin 2 manchester from bournemouth the 1st weekend in march !

Cant find any flights - can any one else help me find a flight or an airline etc?

does anyone know of any cheap coach trips as an alternative way of goin? cos i looked at national express and tehy were majorly pricey!

thanks for looking



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It doesn't look like there are any direct flights between Bournemouth and Manchester. Have you considered travelling by train? Just fill out the details of when you want to go and then fare options
Southampton Airport terminal - about 100 yards from the Airport Parkway railway station platform! - is just about half an hour from Bournemouth by train. Click here for a website offering cheap fares for the journey from there to Manchester.
Question Author
aww thanx guys - both average �90 but cheers anyways! xx
Not sure when you are going or if you are coming back. I have just found a single for �24 on the Friday afternoon and for �16.50 on the Saturday morning on the GNER website.

Remember it is usually cheaper to book 2 singles rather than a return.
Question Author
cool thanx 4 that goin 2-4 march but will hav a look... wots gner?

ta xx
It looks like Gef has got you there fairly cheaply on Friday 2nd. According to the National Rail website, the last cheap train back, on Sunday 4th is at 1456 (travelling via Birmingham International & Didcot Parkway, arriving in Bournemouth at 2132). The fare is just �15.00.


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help needed asap look at my quetsion pls!!!

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