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suequiz | 11:54 Wed 07th Feb 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
Any help with dingbats below appreciated

O O - 2 words
1 2 3 GO X - 4 words
00I - 4 words

Thanks Sue


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third one..turn of the century?
Was going to suggest that, or nil nil, but they look more like Os compared to 0s in third one
Can only think of count up to ten for the other...a bit iffy though. Am sure somebody else will get it soon for you! good luck.
ddon..see what you mean, unless it was typing error?
2nd one is go forth and multiply.

Au pair
The last 2 answers fit perfectly don't they?...would never have got au pair!
neither would I but I searched for dingbat quiz on google and there it was - good tip as often they have been used before
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Thanks to you all for your help.

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