as snow is expected and i may have to walk to the bus stop as opposed to taking my vw passat estate ( L model) would it be appropriate to dress in a lovely pair of mauve leggings that i own and white snow boots? also would my duffle coat and roger ramjet bobble hat be laughed at as i walked along the road? do you have any specially warm clothes?
Since when do you care if anyone laughs at you bob? I'd much rather forsake fashion for comfort, warmth and practicality.
I for one, shall be staying in my dressing gown all day. You know, the blue one with the long cord ;)
In the Army, we were issued with Longjohns, most of us, (no women frontliners then) discarded them, too uncomfortable, and bought womens tights, much more suitable.
So in the winter, and anywhere the climate was cold, you had all these he-men soldiers running around in womens tights.
I used to work on a burger van Bob and it was sooooo cold in the winter. I used to wear 2 thermal vests , they were a delight, so sexy!!! I didnt give a toss though, they kept me warm, well warmer. I had about 6 layers on top of them so i looked like the Mitchellin man by the time is was ready for work!
As for your leggings, they sound perfect!!! A touch of the Fame thing going on always does it for this 80's girl!
whatever you do, you need 2 pairs of grundies, if your nether regions are warm, it will radiate :-))
I personally still possess a lime green snood from 1986, cant beat it, wear it up, down, Im going to put it on right now, then iron my 2 pair of knicks for tomorrow !! :-))
I recommend wooly leg warmers to go with ur leggings...
Also do ur snow boots have pom poms at the front? that would compliment your bobble hat very well ... plus matching mittens with little pom poms hanging off would be just perfect. I'm sure with your refreshing sense of style others will be copying your look in no time
I have a wonderful lined waterproof Versace jacket which keeps the body snug. However, Thinsulate gloves don't work, and no shoes work, so it's the hands, feet, and earlobes that are suffering in the snow.
So, tomorrow, 4 miles to work on a bike through deep snow... (after my flight home from Grindelwald).
Mr P is a builder, and has been known to where tights in the winter ~ as Lonnie says they are much more comfy than long johns...there are thousands of builders doing it!
I would love a Roger Ramjet bobble hat, Bob. Can I swap my Russian army issue fluffy hat for yours? I am sure it would suit the mauve leggings far better, and you may just be mistaken for a member of Take That. Hey presto, lots of young chicks will go bananas.