Hi , i've got several scratches on my new black worktops and wondered if there was a way of getting them covered up or repaired without having to replace them? They are not very deep but still pretty noticable. Thanks :-)
I asume they are laminate? Im a kitchen fitter and to fill in the gaps when i do the butt and scribe joints i use colour fill but i think this would be useless in a scratch. If they are gloss work tops they show up every mark and i would advise using place matts. When we install them they are usally marked before we have finished the kitchen. how about a perminant marker?
There are companies who specialise in these type of repairs, such as worktops, baths etc. One company i know of is called the PLASTIC SURGEON.
They can make a good job of repairing your scratches but they are not cheap, although they are probably cheaper than replacing the worktops. High gloss worktops are not as easy repaired however.
Unfortunately i have mislaid there telephone number.