One of them had long hair. They were from differing tribes but married anyway. One said to the other "I'm stronger than you". The other cut the long hair, a loss of strength followed. More revenge followed that. End of story.
Of course, the Samson and Hercules. Thank you, Ewood. No, I was at Stanford PTA (Permanent Training Area) near Thetford, one of a small group of women military engineers being trained in dastardly things. Fridays and Saturdays we had liberty trucks (passion wagons if you prefer) into Norwich. Does the Samson and Hercules still exist? Would my memory be accurate in thinking that there was also a bar called the Blue Room in Norwich for Americans only?
As Cetti says, it's just 17 verses. You could have read it in a minute, probably quicker than it takes to read it on here: why didn't you? The Bible is a book that everyone has, or should have (and I speak as an atheist) and you could have had the answer in seconds rather than wait around for an AB response.