what a great question! Why does it itch so; last week I was in AGONY. Is mine the only one which is raised and red? Do all types of scars itch so and why only at certain times?
Mine is 9 in July.
Cliffsgirl, I've had 3 C Section's,the 1st was 36 years ago,then another 34 years ago and lastly 21 years ago. The cut area is still numb yet sensitive to touch and as for itching..lol.
Nice to know it isn't just me. When I had my boy, it was said the surgeon was a very fast worker (and his name was Dr Slack lol) and I always thought that was why my scar was a bit iffy.
Also , parts around it have no nerve endings. Ho hum .
Thanks lots I hadnt noticed mine itch for ages now its off again. I reckon it was about a year before the overhang went along with the inching. It came back though with preg number 2. I had natural birth then and havnt noticed it since until now. Thanks lots!!!!!!