miles per gallon in The AnswerBank: Science
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miles per gallon

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saxo_boi | 11:11 Thu 04th Aug 2005 | Science
7 Answers
i have just read a question about how many miles somebody will get to the gallon. my Q is how would i work this out for my car? how many litres in a gallon etc. thank you for you help!


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If you multiply litres by 0.22 then you have the number of gallons. Divide your mileage by the number of gallons then you have miles per gallon


If you ignore answers taken off then this is my 100th answer

Question Author
r i feel privaleged to have your 100th answer on my question! well done my friend! o and thanks for the answer lol
Or multiply your figure for litres by 4.54, ta da!

One way to mind on how many pints there are in a litre is to say "A litre of water's a pint and three quarters"

Don't forget that there is a difference between a US gallon and an Imperial gallon.

1 US gallon = 3.785412 litres

1 UK gallon = 4.54609 litres


If u like I have a little prog based on Access that every time I re-fuel I enter the amount, and litres. it converts this info into mpg or � per litre or gallon , whatever you want, if you wanted it just ask me and i'll mail it to you, no charge


Dude you mentione dbaout a free access conversion.. can you send me it? cheers

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miles per gallon

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