if ever there was an over use of three little words it has got to be OH MY GOD.whenever there is one of those makeover programs on that's all you hear ,does it get on anyone else's nerve's and what words or sayings get you reaching for something to throw at the tv.
Tinkertom you made me giggle. I too have a pet hate of the over-use of this expression. I thought initially that it was a young person's phrase, teens seem to use it a lot, but no, everyone is using it these days. It really gets on my nerves too. Have you noticed as well how often people say 'yer know' after every phrase. Its almost seems like they use the expression to 'buy time' whilst they are thinking for the next thing to say.
OMG - I sound like a real old fuddy duddy ! Doll x
thanks for that busybee I'm off now to buy a new monitor as I've just put my boot through this one,only joking '.you know what I mean' thats another one
sorry dollie for repeating what you said ,oh my god ,you know,like,you know what I'm saying, the list is endless.got to go for a cuppa now I'm getting stressed
I agree. It's strange that this expression is used in so many American sit-coms when you consider the right-wing zealots they have over there. Wow is another worn out expression. It's used endlessly on A Place in the Sun.