I've been doing this for the last three years with no problems at all, apart from 1 or 2 minor repairs that needed doing (leaking kitchen tap for example), I was forced into it a bit as I was in the process of buying another house, the one I was selling fell through so I either had to rent it out pretty quick or lose the one I was trying to buy. The downside for me was that the rent didn't cover the mortgage, but if you ensure that youdo get enough rent to pay your mortgage I would certainly recommend it. Unlike renting privately the income is guaranteed over the length of the contract whether the property is occupied or not so you never have to worry about getting new tenants in, I was misinformed about the maintenance of the property though, being told that it would be returned in the same condition as that which it was let and would be redecorated when the tenants vacated at the end of the contract. I would certainly recommend clarifying what is considered by fair wear and tear and get something clearly written as to how the property will be returned to you. Other than that it's very easy