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nigella | 23:01 Fri 16th Feb 2007 | Body & Soul
28 Answers
what do you like most about yourself, or are most proud of?


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One m ?

Are you asking me to strip?
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I'm not sure that I'm proud of this but I once met a guy who had a better inferiority complex than I had!
dot.hawkes isnt old. She was at the same school as me - as a teacher. Sorry Dot. Kisses.
ummm writes:
I quite like me...I try my hardest to be nice to everyone.

then 5 posts down makes a deriding remark about the fact that she has made more on her house in 5 years than i have in 12, so basically she has lied in her first statement, because to be nice she would have been better not making that comment.
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My loyalty to the people close to me.

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