so we have jade goody FINALLY admitting in a sunday tabloid that she was being racist and a bully its too little too late what a snivelling two faced bitch she is i hope that she gets what she deserves and that her so called carreer is down the pan she makes my skin crawl just to hear her pathetic bleating do us all a favour you racist bigot and go back to the slums from where you came.
Even if she is a racist SO WHAT!!!!! Ive never felt the need to go out burning effigies because some z-list celebrity in india may have said something about me!!! MANYBE THESE PEOPLE NEED TO GROW UP AND GET JOBS - or is that Racist ah ha ah aha ah aha ha
you are living in cloud cookoo land,
so you think coloured people have no problem with BNP
racist thugs, tell that to the family of the indian taxi driver
The Cambridge online dictionary defines a racist as "someone who believes that other races are not as good as their own and therefore treats them unfairly"
I think Jade was guilty of being racist albeit subconsciously. The sad thing is i think we all have it in us to treat someone unfairly because of their race. The difference is, most of us know what we can and can't say... how we can and can't act. The face of racism is hardly recognisable in this day & age. i believe people are so quick to dismiss subtle acts of racism for fear of what it says about themselves and the very fabric of UK society.