CCJ's are granted by a court, can she contact the court and find out who applied for the judgement?
Also found this:
What to do if you disagree with a CCJ
If you have a genuine reason to disagree with a CCJ you can ask the court not to apply it straight away ('set it aside'). You may have to pay a fee for this. If you don't have a genuine reason, your application could be treated as wasting court time or even perjury - serious offences that can incur fines and prison sentences.
If the judgment is set aside, things go back to the start of the claim. You have another chance to reply to the Claim Form, and explain your situation. The CCJ is taken off the County Court Register until a new judgment is made.
See here for more info: s/ManagingDebt/CourtClaimsAndBankruptcy/DG_100 13083