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Can you keep secrets??

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PinkFizz | 23:15 Mon 26th Feb 2007 | Body & Soul
28 Answers
How easy is it for you is somebody asks you not to say anything but you are either dying to, of think that you should??

Do you go with your promise or go with your instinct??


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i know
im just messing lol
good nite pinki
keep your fish to yourself

adiosssssssss xx
I'll see you there, sweetie! ;o)

x x x x x
my word is my bond.....

cant think of a time when ive betrayed someones confidence in me...
wont say i havent let slip on stuff that hasnt been too serious, but in genereal im good for a secret !
it would depend on the secret - if my uncle told me he was a kiddie fiddler but not to tell anyone...well obviously thats a secret to be broken, but if its just feelings etc then perhaps best not.

i knew a guy liked a girl and i suspected she like him but he didn't want me to tell - although he didn't say that to me - i think he just thought it was a given that i say nothing.
well i hinted at her that he may like her, and she liked him but not 'like that', but she wasn't bothered by it, but her behaviour towards him changed very slightly - i didn't see a change but he did... and he figured i had told her.
he was rather unhappy and assumed i had done it stir.
i know i shouldn't have said anything but it just sort of slipped out in conversation.
Hate to be a bit of a wet blanket: but, if I have a "secret" I don't tell anybody.....It's a secret: it belongs to me and nobody else.
I don't believe any of you!!!! I'm rubbish at keeping anything but the most important secret - especially if it's to do with me. I always end up getting drunk and it slips out! Unless it's something that a close friend has told me and by telling anyone else something bad will happen to them. Like the time I met up with my ex (who had since met his future wife) and we spent the evning getting up to naughties in the local church grounds (classy, I know). I think I kept that secret for about 10 days before I told his sister, who was my best friend. In my defence, his wife is a dog though (blushes in the corner as she realises that really isn't any defence at all)
I'm afraid I tell Mr P everything. If I am told a secret I have to tell him..and I know he keeps secrets!

However before I met him I kept secrets very
I can't keep secrets very well. But I'm not the sort of person that tells everyone. I tell my sister everything but that is all.

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Can you keep secrets??

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