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Cryptic Clues 1

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bekib86 | 20:15 Mon 05th Mar 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
1. Natural development (could be due to public demand) (6) ive got branch for this but not sure how it is 'cryptic' or is it just more a literal clue?

2. Condition favouring six thus (7) i got proviso but again no idea where the answer comes from

3. In tyneside area nothing is a hearing problem (5) n?i??

4. action in it - certainly (4)

5. incapable of making it, church dignitary could wear it (5) m????



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2 condition = proviso
pro = favouring
vi = six in Roman numerals
so = thus
3 = noise
n(OIS)e = 0 is in NE for Northe East
4 Deed.....Action....Indeed..certainly
1 I think Growth is more likely.
5 Mitre
Question Author
Thanks everyone!!

Please can you explain how you got mitre?

Thank you xxx

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Cryptic Clues 1

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