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doomey! | 18:23 Tue 06th Mar 2007 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
this show was rated as a doctor who beater, I do not like it, does anyone here like it?

also what rating in viwers is it receving?


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I kind of like it,but it doesn't quite work for me.It's like the parts of it are good but they don't gel together to make a convincing whole.The effects are terrific.The acting is a bit low-key.The comedy geeks don't work,though they probably won't appear again after episode 4.Connor just irritates me.Cutter doesn't convey the urgency of what he is saying.Maybe series 2 will get better.
i am really enjoying it ,but it certainly isn't a dr who beater ,the comedy geeks remind me of the lone gunmen from the x-files ,actually the whole show reminds me of a poor mans x-files, the blonde girl who loves running around in her knickers showing off her flat stomach really annoys me ,i feel like i want to slap her , ok i will stop now !!!
Not quite a Doctor Who beater, but much better than Torchwood. Henshall is a much more palatable lead than the irritating Tennant and Barrowman. Whereas virtually everyone in Torchwood is annoying this bunch seem much more realistic, though I'm not too keen on the one with the stupid hat, or the bland 'good looking' one.

According to Dreamwatch -

"Primeval a roaring success"

'The first episode of ITV�s big budget dino drama Primeval secured 6.7 million viewers in its 7.45pm timeslot on Saturday night.

That puts the channel up by 1.1 million viewers from its average at the same time last year.

The show saw off stiff competition from the movie Shrek on BBC1, and drew largely favourable reviews.'
Way more enjoyable than Dr Who
It's been re-commissioned for a second series, so ITV are obviously happy with it. You know how jumpy they get when programmes don't meet their expectations.
Better than the Eve Myles show???????
MUCH better than the Eve Myles show. On account of how you can watch Primeval without wanting every single major character to die.

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