Times Jumbo 686 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Times Jumbo 686

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Pamaga | 17:31 Fri 09th Mar 2007 | Crosswords
7 Answers
It is that bottom right hand corner again!

39 down Writer is upset about editor being given money after work's finished (9)

Is there another spelling of Pentateuch I don't know or am I way off the mark here?

50 across In a manner of speaking accept a form of evidence (10)


Is this allocution?

56 across Playwright gets a certain amount of material from gypsies (6)


51 down Sportsman's kit in snow covered tops? (4)

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Allocution looks correct.

If it is (I no longer have a copy of the xword) does that provide further letters to the down clues?
39 could 39 be pensioned? Pen for writer IS upset and ed, but this leaves 'on' for the money which doesn't seem to make sense
Agree 'Pensioned' . . . . pen+si+on+ed
"being given money after work's finished"
50ac indication

36dn is chemin de fer
53ac is Mansfield Park
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Thank you everyone!

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Times Jumbo 686

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