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fingernails and toenails

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wizard69 | 21:50 Sat 10th Mar 2007 | Science
5 Answers
can anyone tell me the medical names for the above.
Thanks in advance.


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thanks caz, but was wondering if there was some sort of weird latin name as there is for the other body parts.But keratin..didnt know that.cheers
wizard69 , you wouldn't be trying to get an answer through the back door for the 'Rainbow', 'Group Therapy' quiz by any chance? (Qu 69)?
I'll come to your rescue.

Both fingernails and toenails are known by the latin names unguis (singular) or ungues (plural).

Note that these two words can refer to both the fingernails and toenails ie, if someone told you they had an infected unguis, you wouldn't know if it was on their hand or their foot!
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gen2. errr, no.It was a question my kids asked me the other day as they are both interested in human biology and it stumped me.
theprof....that is excellant.Thank you

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fingernails and toenails

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