Firstly, Lighter, you are very silly person.
And to Theland...
'Science offers no answer, except to promise that one day, scientific progress will provide an answer.
Now, I know faith when I see it, so if you beoieve that, you also have a faith, a blind one, I might add.'
Now you're being silly too Theland. Exactly how is belief in a book the same as accepting that one day scientists and clever types may figure things out? Scientists have demonstrable facts and quite a long track record of successes on their side. What do you have? The Bible? A book that's evolved over the centuries under many many anonymous hands. Not really the same thing is it.
As a species we can be quite clever and tend to figure stuff out eventually. Look at the ancient Egyptians, they thought the sun was rowed out every morning by Ra. People figure stuff out eventually based on observation and testable theories. We have a habit of getting there eventually.
We have to assume that there are rational explanations for everything otherwise when we come across something we don't understand we'd just say 'Ah God did that' and just give. We'd still be living in mud huts, hunting with spears and dying before we reach 30.
So far all the things that our ancestors have put down to God clever and observant people have found logical and demonstrable explanations for.
The only thing that your God has left is creation. Maybe scientists will one down figure it out or maybe they wont. But seeing as science has removed his involvement from pretty much everywhere else there is no reason to believe he had anything to do with that either.
Which begs the question - Did He ever even exist?
That was a rhetorical question by the way as I know we've all already made up our minds and this debate will go on until the end of time.