How can I get rid of the little bit of rust that has appeared on the handlebars of my daughters bike? Also how can I stop it from getting rusty?
My daughter is only 10 years old and spent most of last year saving all her money so she could buy herself a brand new bike. Owing to lack of space the bike has had to be stored in a 'ramshakle' greenhouse. We are hoping to get a shed very soon but what can I do until then?
Try a little vinegar or car polish they should do the job, and I suppose you could apply some petroleum jelly to the parts that might go rusty, but not on somewhere like the brakes or else it`ll end in disaster;)
you could spray the bars with clear laquer.
clean the rust that's allready there, tape off the bits that don't need covering and make sure there is no moisture there before whacking one or two quick coats on. just don't try to put to much on in one go or you will get drips/runs. no sticky messy vasseline etc for your daughter to get on her clothes and should last for a while.