I used to be a massive fan of EE, ever since it first aired, but these days, i dont even bother, its on but thats about it. Cant say i pay much attention to it. There is no-one left that i even care about anymore. Its certainly lost its sparkle for me.
Don't laugh at this because it isn't really funny but,,,,
I was considering moving in with a girlfriend, but after a lot of thought about the changes I'd have to endure, I decided against it, one of those things being she is a big EE fan and I literally cannpt stand it. The thought of being forced to sit through it when I would rather watch the test card was too much.
Turquoise if you 'just watched like 10 minutes of it' how do you know it was an hour of pure rubbish? It wasn't great but a couple of very good comedy moments with Phil, Charlie and Mo