Hi Luna, This kind of practice has been used for thousands of years by all sorts of cultures all over the world, and I do think there is truth in it. Ancient peoples possessed enormous knowledge in all areas of life, most of which has been lost - or destroyed - over the centuries, but some, like this, has been retained. I believe it was given to them by 'the gods', but whether or not these people are using it in the way it was supposed to be used, is another matter. There are records of plants being used for all sorts of things - even for softening stone to use in the building of enormous structures, for example. Personally, I believe there may be a cure for all ills to be found in plants and nature.
I know the things Fingerprint talks about do happen, and I've known people to be absolutely terrified of these 'witch doctors', but I wonder if much of the success(?) relies upon the victim's superstition and fear?
I hope you don't mind me asking, Fingerprint, but I'm intrigued by the idea of huge police units specialising in this type of crime. How can police arrest the perpetrator without having a curse put on them? And that's not a question meant to undermine your comments - it's just something that immediately crossed my mind.