No the maintenance should carry on if the child finishes compulsory education but goes to college and probably until they are 18 minimum. unless of course they start work full time,
my court order was until my son finished full time education but then the csa poked their nose in as i had to go on income support for a while.they upped the payments but told my ex he could stop the payments when my son was 18 although he was still at college so thats what he did.i think the rules are different if its a normal court order but cab should be able to tell you whats what.
Not sure if the rules have changed but when I was divorced (a long time ago!) is was 'while in full time education up to the age of 23 unless the court decides otherwise'. If yours says, 16, 18 or whatever, it can be changed by the courts. This assumes the maintainer is still working and earrning. Check with the CAB, they know everything there is to know about this.
I am just going through exactly the same thing. I spoke to my solicitor this morning and my ex has to pay until the age of 18 or till she ceases full time education.