I have tried everything for heavy periods, Mirena didnt work, the pill I could not take, various other drugs before Tranexamic Acid. The Tranexamic acid worked to a degree but was still too heavy. I had a TCRE in November where they take the lining of the womb away, but my periods are better but the period goes on for longer than before and there is a strong possibility of the lining growing back again. I am now waiting for a keyhole hysterectomy leaving my cervix and ovaries intact. I feel quite happy to have this if it will give me a normal life. I have three lovely children so I am ok with this. I think the Tranexamic acid would have worked had I been allowed to take three tablets, but the prescribed maximum of two every four hours was not enough. Also the risk of a stroke worried me as it thickens your blood and hence the blood vessels in the uterus so they dont bleed as much.