my web pages for some reason have start to open in minimized and have forgotten how to alter it so there opened in maximized automatically cant find it in firefox or i:e: help
Hi deggers316
Go to the top of your monitor right hand side. you will see three boxes. one red withan X , the middle one blue with two small boxes which appear to sit on top of each other. Left click that middle box and maximise should return.
Good luck
Sorry, I menat to say the middle blue box should have a large internal square in it. Left click it and it will maximise for you hence you will see two boxes within the square.
Remember, ckick the middle box
If your web pages always open as minimised, set the mouse on the little dotted triangle in the bottom right hand corner of the window, and holding down the left button of the mouse, drag the window to fill the screen. If you need to make the window smaller, reverse this action.
Apparently, the computer remembers that the window has been made smaller,and will continue to do so, until you take the action as indicated above.
thanks for the help but this is not the problem .i know how to drag the page to full size but my default page opens minimized and it should open maximized as it used to, this has just started to happen on firefox .ie opens full size, still at a loss what to do