Messiah III in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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Messiah III

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Susan123 | 10:59 Wed 01st Sep 2004 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
Was anyone disappointed at the end of last night's episode?? How did Sal Meti's wife die? (I know she was in her car and was poisoned but how?? - I was out of the room for 2 minutes for that part as the largest ship in the world was leaving the port at that time (really) and I had to have a look at it). I thought it was a bit of a let-down. (Messiah, not the ship) I am also feeling grumpy today so that doesn't help. ARGH. Off to get a coffee now. And something with sugar.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Yes I was a bit disappointed Susan, I didn't think it was a patch on the first 2. Sal Meti's wife was sitting in her car keeping a vigil on the hospital her husband was in and the baddy ( don't want to give away any more in case anybody's videod it) fed a hosepipe into her car and she died of carbon monoxide poisoning.I couldn't really understand all the whys though - who killed Kate's family and why?
I think whoever killed Kates family is almost irrelevant (or more likely - subject matter for Messiah 4!!) I was more taken with the first episode than the second. It seemed it just got a bit silly in the second. Don't know why... but I still love Ken Stott!!
I think having the news plonked in the middle spoilt it a bit. There was only 30 mins left of it to watch! It's bad enough having it split over 2 days. I have to say I enjoyed it though. Much better than Waking the Dead.
Messiah III was excellent.
I'm not 100% sure but i think that Boris Starling only wrote two "Messiah" books, so I think this third installment might have been specially written for TV which might explain its weakness compared to the others
Ridiculous and all as it was, it was still more comprehensible than Waking the Dead.
Messiah 3 was a let down, within the first episode I knew who was behind the murders. Doesn't compare to the original Messiah - now there was a classic! That actually had real storyline supporting it. Did the BBC just make it for the sake of making it? It wasn't up to the high standard set by the first.

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