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Is it safe to put glass jars in the freezer

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mkjuk | 19:25 Thu 22nd Mar 2007 | Food & Drink
4 Answers
as long as they are not full?


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I can't see there being a problem, depending on whats in them. I have put wine bottles that are full in before and the wine has actually frozen and there hasn't been a problem.
I have put wine bottles in the freezer and occasionally the cork has been forced up slightly. If you are going to put glass jars in the freeser I would recommend puting them inside plastic bags just incase anything goes wrong, easier to clean up.
It's quite common to put glass jars in a freezer. You'll see it on American recipe links. Warpig's plastic bag tip is a good one.
I have always put half jars of bolognese sauce or similar in the freezer, such a waste otherwise.

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Is it safe to put glass jars in the freezer

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