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pjcoleman | 09:33 Sat 24th Mar 2007 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers
how does one clip the wings of a duck?


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If they need to fly then its better than can, and not get eaten by predators!.
years ago i had two muscovy ducks who never had their wings clipped,they never bothered about flying away and enjoyed there life with us they has their own little house use of a small pond plenty of food ect so perhaps they were content to stay with us.Sarsh lived to be sixteen and Clara was eighteen they were better guards than my dogs woe betide anybody who came on their patch,they even chased our dogs off,we missed them very much when they died bless what im trying to pass on is that given the right home you may not need to clip its wings
But if you still feel you need to do the clip, here's a good picture of how to. Actually, you only need to clip the first three flight feathers. Remember, they will grow back when your duck moults and by that time they probably won't require clipping again... Best of lucl! cks&cat=Duck%20Health&sub=wing%20clipping

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